Sunday, December 13, 2015

Any Survivor fans out there?

I am so sad that Joe got the boot on Survivor. I am not sure I even want to watch it now. I have not watched the next episode without him yet. I actually went back to the previous Survivor Season 30 and am watching that one. That was the first one with Joe. Ok, maybe I have a silly tv crush, but can you blame me? He is a very nice person too, not just a long tall drink of water, as they used to say. Ha
His fb page says he is a jewelry designer! Would love to see it and offer some assistance if needed :)

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Trying to find the bright side

Looking for joy on a daily basis is sometimes hard. Who am I kidding? It is difficult a lot of the time. Getting outside helps me. Going for a walk and listening to the birds, petting friends dogs who are being walked, and looking up into the sky helps me. Sometimes.

I pray. I pray a lot. What is the world coming to, Lord? What is happening? What are we to do? Sometimes I am just overcome with all the cruelty and evil in the world. As much as I want to look on the bright side, sometimes I have trouble doing so. So I just take it one day at a time and hope and pray that tomorrow is better. What helps you?

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Goat babies across from a friends house

Just as cute as can be.  I love the animals.

Listen carefully, she's talking to you……………:)