Monday, January 28, 2008

Celebrating Good News with friends and family!!

Hi Sandy, I will be delighted to fill you in on what sister is wearing which bracelet. I am wearing the "I don't need a therapist...I have my sister" bracelet. Christine on my left is wearing, "You are very special to me", and Jeanette on my right is also wearing, "I don't need a therapist..." bracelet, and my sister Joanne (not pictured) is wearing the "many blessings" bracelet".
Note: The other night, I celebrated my good health news with two dear friends; Darlinda was wearing her "I believe in happiness" bracelet and Kelly was wearing her "Yes I can" bracelet (she is a pastry chef and starting her on-line gourmet dessert line).
You are my "go to" gal for special gifts! Arlene

Thank you Arlene for sharing Toby and Max with your sisters and many friends! I am so happy to hear of your improved health.You indeed are a very special person! xoxo Sandy

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